Research Article

Hepatoprotective Effects of Swimming Exercise against D-Galactose-Induced Senescence Rat Model

Table 2

Effects of swimming exercise training on the histological features of liver tissues.

ParametersCASWA + SW

H&E stain
 Arrangement of hepatic cords
 Dilatation of sinusoid
 Hepatocyte vacuolation
 Multifocal necrosis
Masson’s trichrome
 Cholangio fibrosis

The grading and score with definition of lesions: 0 = no lesions; 1 = mild, 2 = moderate; and 3 = severe. Arrangement of hepatic cords and dilatation of sinusoid: normal; 1 = perivenular; 2 = extensive to midzone; and 3 = diffuse. Hepatocyte vacuolation: 0 = no vacuolation; 1 = 3–9 hepatocyte vacuolations; 2 = 10–30 hepatocyte vacuolations; and 3 = more than 30 hepatocyte vacuolations. Multi focal necrosis: 0 = no necrosis; 1 = 1–3 foci; 2 = 4–10 foci; 3 = more than 11 foci. Cholangio fibrosis: 0 = normal portal area; 1 = 3-4 portal areas; 2 = 5–8 portal areas; and 3 = more than 9 portal areas. Values are expressed as means ± SEM. C: vehicle treatment with sedentary control ( ); A: aging induction with sedentary control ( ); SW: vehicle treatment with swimming exercise ( ); and A + SW, aging induction with a 12-week swimming exercise ( ). * compared to the group A.