Research Article

Chinese Herbal Medicine (Zi Shen Qing) for Mild-to-Moderate Systematic Lupus Erythematosus: A Pilot Prospective, Single-Blinded, Randomized Controlled Study

Table 1

Comparison of different Chinese herbal medicines in SLE.

Chinese nameFull scientific nameAction in TCMImmunomodulatory effects

Ren ShenRadix GinsengReplenishes  qi and strengthen  yang
Tonify the spleen and lungs
Stimulates the bone marrow and improves the phagocytic function of monocytes
Huang Qi Radix AstragaliTonify spleen and lung qi, and wei qi Enhancement of T-cell proliferation, promoting NK cell killing effects
Gou QiWolfberry FruitNourishes liver and kidney and tonifies yin Activates the thymus cell proliferation and improves IL-2 and white blood cells
He Shou WuRadix Polygoni MultifloriNourishes kidney and bloodEnhancement of C3b receptor, promoting interferons (IFNs) production
Ling ZhiGanoderma LucidumBoosts heart qi and calms shen Inhibits platelet aggregation and improves CD4+ level and CD4+/CD8+ level
Gan CaoGlycyrrhiza Uralensis Tonifies qi and clears heat and toxic fireModulates serum level of IgE, IgA, and IgM antibodies, decreases serum level TNF-α, and induces B cell maturation