Review Article

Extracts of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials

Table 1

The characteristics of the included trials.

AuthorNumber of patientsIntervention and TwHF dose (g)Duration (wks) Outcomes

Tao et al. 1989 [26]2731TEs (0.06)PBO12SJC, DMS, GS, RF, ESR, AE
Huang et al. 1989 [27]1816TEs (0.03)PBO16SJC, DMS, GS, RF, ESR, AE
Tan et al. 2000 [31]4035TEs (0.06)MTX + PA12TJC, SJC, DMS, RF, ESR, CRP, AE
Wang et al. 2006 [32]4545TEs (0.06)MTX20TJC, SJC, RF, ESR, CRP, AE
Yang and Zhang 2007 [33]6060TEs (0.06)MTX4TJC, SJC, DMS, GS, RF, ESR, CRP, AE
Yang 2011 [34]7472TEs (1.8)MTX12TJC, SJC, DMS, GS, AE
Liu et al. 2006 [35]1010TEs (0.09)MTX12TJC, SJC, DMS, RF, ESR, CRP
Goldbach-Mansky et al. 2009 [36]3725TEs (0.18)SSZ4RF, AE
Chen et al. 2011 [37]3434TEs (0.06), MTXMTX + LEF12ESR, CRP, AE
Li and Ji 2008 [38]3030TEs (0.01–0.02), SSZMTX + SSZ4ESR, CRP

Note: TEs: TwHF extracts; MTX: methotrexate; LEF: leflunomide; SSZ: sulfasalazine; PA: penicillamine; TJC: tender joint count; SJC: swollen joint count; DMS: duration of morning stiffness; GS: grip strength; RF: rheumatoid factor; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: C-reactive protein; AE: adverse effect.