Research Article

Hyperglycemia Induces Altered Expressions of Angiogenesis Associated Molecules in the Trophoblast

Figure 3

Altered cell-associated perlecan expression upon stimulation with high glucose and high osmotic condition in proliferated trophoblasts. The cell-associated perlecan expression according to the proliferation of 3A-Sub-E cells under high and normal glucose treatment was analyzed. It appeared that the cell-associated perlecan expression is increased 24 h posttreatment with either hyperglycemic condition (30 mM Glu.) or the osmotic matched control (30 mM Man.) and gradually decreased 24–72 h posttreatment. The hyperglycemia mimicking condition (30 mM Glu.) indeed upregulated the level of perlecan expression on 24 h posttreatment compared to that in the osmotic control (30 mM Man.). The cell-associated perlecan expression under normal glycemic condition (5.6 mM Glu.) was gradually increased as the cell proliferated. Data are presented as mean SD ( ). * . ** . n.s., not significant.