Research Article

The Protective Effects of Cobra Venom from Naja naja atra on Acute and Chronic Nephropathy

Figure 6

The effects of NNAV on levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) in adriamycin and glycerol-injected rats. Wistar rats were treated as described in the legend of Figure 1. At the end of the experiment, rats were killed and blood samples were collected for determination of serum levels of SOD in adriamycin (a) and glycerol (c) models, and renal cortical tissues were dissected for determination of the levels of SOD in adriamycin (b) and glycerol (d) models; meanwhile, the MDA level of renal cortical tissues in glycerol model was measured (d). * , ** , and *** compared with “saline + saline” group; # , ## , and ### compared with “adriamycin (or glycerol) + saline” group; .