Research Article

Long-Term Stimulation with Electroacupuncture at DU20 and ST36 Rescues Hippocampal Neuron through Attenuating Cerebral Blood Flow in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

Figure 6

The effect of electroacupuncture on ET-1 and NO concentration in rat brain. (a) The effect of electroacupuncture on ET-1 concentration in rat brain. (b) The effect of electroacupuncture on NO concentration in rat brain. Wistar: Wistar rats without any treatment. Wistar + Sham: Wistar rats with stimulation at nonacupoints. Wistar + EA: Wistar rats with stimulation at acupoints. SHR: SHR without any treatment. SHR + Sham: SHR with stimulation at nonacupoints. SHR + EA: SHR with stimulation at acupoints. Data were expressed as mean ± SD of six animals. * versus Wistar group; # versus SHR group; versus SHR + Sham group.