Research Article

A Systems Biology Approach to Characterize Biomarkers for Blood Stasis Syndrome of Unstable Angina Patients by Integrating MicroRNA and Messenger RNA Expression Profiling

Table 4

Clinical characteristics of subjects of microarray analysis.

UA with BSS ( )Controls ( ) value

Male gender ( ) 3 (60%)3 (60%)
Age (years) 0.596
BMI (kg/m2) 0.975
Active smoker ( ) 1 (20%)1 (20%)
BSS grades 0
Number of vessels ( ) 0
Hypertension ( ) 4 (80%)00.048
Type 2 diabetes mellitus ( ) 00
Total cholesterol (mmol/L) 0.347
LDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 0.743
HDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 0.874
Triglycerides (mmol/L) 0.815
CRP (mg/L) 0.018
Concurrent medication ( )
Beta-blocker4 (80%)00.048
ACEI/ARB4 (80%)00.048
Calcium-channel blockers3 (60%)00.167
Nitrates4 (80%)00.048
Statin4 (80%)00.048

Data represents means ± SEM. Abbreviations: ACEI: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB: angiotensin receptor blocker; BMI: body mass index; BSS: blood stasis syndrome; HDL: high-density protein; CRP: C-reactive protein; LDL: low-density protein.