Research Article

Evaluation of a Salutogenetic Concept for Inpatient Psychosomatic Treatment

Table 2

The mean rating is the average of between 7987 and 8170 patients on a scale between 1not applies and 4fully applies. SD is the corresponding standard deviation. The ratio evaluation columns show the percentage of patients who voted with “fully applies” (left) or with “partly or fully applies” (right).

Heiligenfeld valuesMean ratingRatings in % of patients
Fully applies4Partly applies3Rather not applies2Applies not1

Heiligenfeld is a…
 human place3.8484.614.50.60.3
 healthy place3.6365.931.12.60.4
 place of healing3.6668.528.72.50.3
 place of love3.4350.442.75.90.9
 place of wholeness3.4855.937.06.10.9
 place of spiritual growth3.4254.
 place of community3.7879.
 place of mindfulness3.4954.440.44.80.5
I think, in Heiligenfeld…
 fundamental rights are respected3.7778.
 people are being acknowledged and appreciated3.7476.421.31.90.3
 the essential of life is touched 3.6871.
 responsibility is experienced3.5459.435.94.20.5
 life is respected3.8181.816.91.20.1
 empathy is experienced3.7375.722.12.00.2

Mean of all items3.6491.