Research Article

Hepatoprotective Role of Ethanolic Extract of Vitex negundo in Thioacetamide-Induced Liver Fibrosis in Male Rats

Table 1

Effect of TAA, SY, and VN ethanolic extract on liver function test.

GroupALT (IU/L)AST (IU/L)AP (IU/L)Bilirubin (umol/L)Total protein (mg/dL)Albumin (g/L)

Normal b b b b b
TAA a a a a a
VN 300 b b b b b
VN 100 b b b b a,b b
VN 300 + TAA b b,a b b b
VN 100 + TAA a,b b,a b b b
SY + TAA b b,a b b b

The data were stated as mean ± SEM. Means with different superscripts are significantly different. a versus normal control group and b versus TAA control group. SY stands for Silymarin (standard hepatoprotective drug).