Research Article

Immunomodulatory Role of an Ayurvedic Formulation on Imbalanced Immunometabolics during Inflammatory Responses of Obesity and Prediabetic Disease

Figure 1

Body and tissue weights in normal diet fed control were higher than high-fat high-sugar diet fed control, and Kal-1 doses rescue mice fed on high-fat high-sugar diets from being obese. (a) Weekwise effect of Kal-1 on body weights in high-fat high-sugar fed mice. (b) Effect of Kal-1 on tissue weights in high-fat high-sugar fed mice at week 21. (A) Epididymal fat; (B) subcutaneous fat. All doses (5, 20, and 75 μL) of Kal-1 were supplemented along with HFHSD. LF: low-fat control, HF: high-fat high-sugar control. All the values represent mean ± SEM from five animals.