Review Article

Chinese Herbal Medicine for Postinfectious Cough: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

Table 2

TCM principle of CHM and TCM syndrome of patients.

Study IDCHM interventionTCM principle of CHMTCM syndrome of patients

Fujimori et al., 2001 [26]Extract granules of bakumondo-to (Mai-men-dong decoction in Chinese Pinyin) Nourishing Yin; descending the upgoing lung-Qi; harmonizing the stomach and lungSyndrome of lung and stomach Yin deficiency and disharmony between the lung and the stomach
Irifune et al., 2011 [27]Extract granules of bakumondoto (Mai-men-dong decoction in Chinese Pinyin)Nourishing Yin; descending the upgoing lung-Qi; harmonizing the stomach and lungSyndrome of lung and stomach Yin deficiency and disharmony between the lung and the stomach
Qin, 2011 [28]Er-li decoctionDispelling wind and dispersing the lung-Qi, resolving phlegm and nourishing the lung-YinSyndrome of wind-sputum evil invading the lung
Wang, 2011 [29]Xuan-fei Zhi-sou decoctionDispelling wind and dispersing the lung-Qi, resolving phlegm and calming down coughSyndrome of wind evil invading the lung
Song, 2012 [30]Qing-fei Zhi-ke decoctionDispelling wind and dispersing the lung-Qi, eliminating heat and calming down coughSyndrome of wind-heat evil attacking the lung
Wu et al., 2011 [31]Shu-feng Xuan-fei decoctionDispelling wind and dispersing the lung-QiSyndrome of wind-evil invading the lung
Zhang et al., 2008 [32]Su-huang Zhi-ke capsuleDispelling wind and dispersing the lung-Qi, relieving airway spasm and calming down coughSyndrome of wind-evil invading the lung
Wu, 2011 [33]Feng-re decoction;
Feng-han decoction
Dispelling wind and dispersing the lung-Qi, expelling cold and relieving exterior;
dispelling wind and dispersing the lung-Qi, eliminating heat and relieving exterior
Syndrome of wind-cold evil fettering the lung;
syndrome of wind-heat evil attacking the lung
An, 2002 [34]Zhi-ke Gu-biao decoctionRegulating activity of the lung-Qi and resolving phlegm, tonifying the protective Qi and strengthening exteriorSyndrome of wind evil invading the lung
Jiang, 2013 [35]Qing-feng Gan-ke granulesDispelling wind and dispersing the lung-QiSyndrome of wind evil invading the lung
Min, 2011 [36]Bu-tu Xuan-fei decoctiondispelling wind and dispersing the lung-Qi, tonifying the spleen and nourishing the lung-YinSyndrome of wind evil invading the lung
Huang, 2009 [37]Ke-ping decoctionDispelling wind and dispersing the lung-Qi, relieving sore throat and nourishing the lung-YinSyndrome of wind evil invading the lung and Heat evil injuring the lung-Yin