Research Article

The Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Jiang Zhi Granule) for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver: A Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients (FAS analysis).

ParameterJZG ( )Placebo ( )

Age, y 0.1178
Male sex, (%)94 (84.68)83 (75.45)0.0858
Weight (male), kg 0.7280
Weight (female), kg 0.5334
Systolic pressure, mmHg/L 0.0724
Diastolic pressure, mmHg/L 0.5732
L/S ratio 0.0856
BMI 0.6994
Course of NAFL, month 0.6004
Comorbidity (with), (%)4 (3.60)4 (3.64)1.0000
History of drug hypersensitivity (yes), (%)2 (1.80)1 (0.91)n.s.
Combined medicine using (yes), (%)2 (1.82)3 (2.73)n.s.
Serum glucose, mmol/L 1.0000
ALT, IU/L >0.05
AST, IU/L >0.05
BUN, mmol/L >0.05
Serum Cr, mol/L >0.05

Data were presented as mean ± standard deviation.