Research Article

Effect of ASF (a Compound of Traditional Chinese Medicine) on Behavioral Sensitization Induced by Ethanol and Conditioned Place Preference in Mice

Figure 4

Spontaneous activity (mean ± SEM, counts in 15 min) in challenge tests of mice previously treated with (a) saline + saline (S + S); (b) 8.1 g/kg of ASF + saline (Z + S); (c) saline + 2.2 g/kg of ethanol (S + E); and (d) 8.1 g/kg of ASF + 2.2 g/kg of ethanol (Z + E). All animals were tested under saline + saline (saline challenge) with 30 min of interval between saline and saline administration “Drug challenge” was assigned 48 h after “saline challenge.” Different animals were used in each “Drug challenge.” Saline + 2.2 g/kg of ethanol (ethanol; ); saline + ASF 8.1 g/kg (ASF; ); and ASF 8.1 g/kg + ethanol 2.2 g/kg (ASF + ethanol; ). The mice were tested in the spontaneous activity cages for 15 min immediately after ethanol (or saline) administration. #Higher activity levels than those from all other treatment groups in the saline challenge (). *Higher spontaneous activity levels than all the other groups, in all drug challenges ().