Research Article

Sibjotang Increases Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Secretion in Beating Rabbit Atria

Figure 3

Effects of Sibjotang (SJ) on secretory and contractile function in perfused beating rabbit atria. (a) Effects of vehicle (DMSO 0.1%) on ANP secretion (A), pulse pressure (B), and stroke volume (C). (b) Effects of SJ (100 μg/mL) on ANP secretion, pulse pressure, and stroke volume. (c) Effects of LY333531 (LY, 100 nM) on the SJ-induced increase in ANP secretion, pulse pressure, and stroke volume. Values are mean ± SE. Number of experiments: control, ; SJ, ; and LY + SJ, . versus mean values of two fractions before SJ.