Research Article

Sex-Dependent Effects of Dietary Genistein on Echocardiographic Profile and Cardiac GLUT4 Signaling in Mice

Figure 5

Effect of genistein treatment on total cardiac eNOS and iNOS protein expression in intact male and female mice. (a) eNOS. Typical western blot demonstrating eNOS and actin expression in cardiac tissue from two samples each of 600 G- and 0 G-treated male and female mice. Average eNOS/actin ratio is shown comparing 600 G- and 0 G-fed male and female mice (/group). eNOS and actin bands were observed at 130 kDa and 43 kDa, respectively. (b) iNOS. Typical western blot demonstrating iNOS and actin expression in cardiac tissue from two samples each of 600 G- and 0 G-treated male and female mice. Average iNOS/actin ratio is shown comparing 600 G- and 0 G-fed male and female mice (/group). iNOS and actin bands were observed at 130 and 43 kDa, respectively. Values are reported as mean ± SD; 0 GF: genistein-free fed females; 0 GM: genistein-free fed males; 600 GF: 600 mg genistein/kg diet-fed females; 600 GM: 600 mg genistein/kg diet-fed males; eNOS: endothelial nitric oxide synthase; iNOS: inducible nitric oxide synthase. The genistein-free fed groups (0 G) are represented by open bars, and genistein-fed groups (600 G) are represented by the solid bars.