Research Article

Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) Leaf Extract Attenuates Hyperglycemia and Skeletal Muscle Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Diabetic Rats

Table 1

Phenolic content of hydroethanolic extract of Yacon leaves.

RT (min)NamePeak area (µC)Concentration

15.29Protocatechuic acid6.9810.11
25.83Gentisic acid8.787.64
33.13Chlorogenic acid2.308.17
35.97Vanillic acid3.081.34
37.65Caffeic acid66.1027.56
46.67p-Coumaric acid19.50169.81
49.78Ferulic acid7.0513.21
50.43Sinapic acid6.414.68

RT: retention time. Concentration is expressed in µg/100 mg of HEYL.