Research Article

A Systems Pharmacology Approach for Identifying the Multiple Mechanisms of Action for the Rougui-Fuzi Herb Pair in the Treatment of Cardiocerebral Vascular Diseases

Table 2

The 7 pathways information of rougui-fuzi in treatment with CCVDs.

PathwaysDegree centrality (DC)Betweenness centrality (BC)Closeness centrality (CC)

Complement and coagulation cascades70.50170.2381
Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction60.21930.1795
PI3K-Akt signaling pathway60.55130.2518
Arachidonic acid metabolism50.21850.2000
Cholesterol metabolism40.16640.1515
PPAR signaling pathway40.34790.1977
NF-kappa B signaling pathway40.66730.2800