Research Article

A Comparative Study of VaR Estimation for Structured Products

Table 6

The multivariate extension of the Diebold and Mariano [19] test for alternative notes during various periods.

RUD notesSPO notesDJQ notes
Explained variablesConstantP-valueExplained variablesConstantP-valueExplained variablesConstantP-value

Panel A: The whole period

Based on AR( )-GARCH(1,1)Based on AR( )-GARCH(1,1)Based on AR( )-GARCH(2,1)
Y1 .9985Z1 .9445W1 .9779
Y2 .9828Z2 .9806W2 .6081
Y3 .9988Z30.004578.9562W3 .9198
W4 .6804
Based on AR( )- GARCH(1,4)Based on AR( )- GARCH(2,5)Based on AR( )-GARCH(2,5)

Panel B: The low oil price period

Based on AR( )-GARCH(1,1)Based on AR( )-GARCH(1,1)Based on AR( )-GARCH(2,1)
Y1 .4723Z1 .4544W1 .9776
Y2 .9824Z2 .3373W2 .6629
Y3 .9555Z30.001458.8565W30.001365.9462
Based on AR( )-GARCH(1,4)Based on AR( )-GARCH(2,5)Based on AR( )-GARCH(2,5)
Y1 .6626Z1 .8451W10.006591.9162
Y2 .9824Z20.001935.4916W20.003169.6629
Y3 .9745Z30.008934.4916W30.007598.7091

Panel C: The high oil price period

Based on AR( )-GARCH(1,1)Based on AR( )-GARCH(1,1)Based on AR( )-GARCH(2,1)
Y1 .7441Z1 .8925W1 .1296
Y2 .9668Z20.001489.9104W2 .0219*
Y30.007845.9871Z3 .9825W30.007814.9757
W4 .9188
Based on AR( )-GARCH(1,4)Based on AR( )- GARCH(2,5)Based on AR( )-GARCH(2,5)
Y1 .7531Z1 .8344W10.001754.1854
Y20.007415.9668Z2 .9104W20.004879.0219*
Y30.001365.9656Z3 .9099W30.003456.2122

Note that Y1 and Y3 stand for the differences of the sum of squared errors (SSEs) of volatility in GARCH from AR( )-ARCH(5) and AR( )-EGARCH(1,1), respectively. Y2 denotes the differences of SSE of volatility in AR( )-GARCH(1,1) from AR( )-GARCH(1,4) as the benchmark is AR( )-GARCH(1,1). Conversely, when the benchmark is AR( )-GARCH(1,4),Y2 represents the differences of SSE of volatility in AR( )-GARCH(1,4) from AR( )-GARCH(1,1). Z1 and Z3 stand for the differences of SSE of volatility in AR( )-GARCH from AR( )-ARCH(5) and AR( )-EGARCH(1,1), respectively. Z2 denotes the differences of SSE of volatility in AR( )-GARCH(1,1) from GARCH(2,5) as the benchmark is GARCH(1,1). Conversely, when the benchmark is GARCH(2,5), Y2 represents the differences of SSE of volatility in AR( )-GARCH(2,5) from AR( )-GARCH(1,1).W1, W3, and W4 stand for the differences of the sum of SSE of volatility in AR( )-GARCH from AR( )-ARCH(5), AR( )-EGARCH(2,1), and AR( )-EGARCH(2,2), respectively. W2 denotes the differences of SSE of volatility in AR( )-GARCH(2,1) from AR( )-GARCH(2,5) as the benchmark is AR( )-GARCH(2,1). Conversely, when the benchmark is AR( )-GARCH(2,5), Y2 represents the differences of SSE of volatility in AR( )-GARCH(2,5) from AR( )-GARCH(2,1).The symbol denotes significance at 5 percent level.