Research Article

Investigating the Determinants of Nonperforming Loans in the Romanian Banking System: An Empirical Study with Reference to the Greek Crisis

Table 2

Regression output of the multivariate model.

Dependent Variable: loss loan provisions/total loans (R)
Method: Least Squares

VariableCoefficientStd. errort-statisticProb.

Gross fixed capital formation (−12)*−0.0035550.001441−2.4666440.0157
Total gross external debt/GDP (−3)0.0122200.0026484.6149240.0000
Loss loan provisions/total loans (GR)0.4525710.1940312.3324660.0221
Spread Greek-German bond (−1)0.0012510.0004402.8431670.0056

R-squared0.657178 Mean dependent var0.000852
Adjusted R-squared0.624529 S.D. dependent var0.001507
S.E. of regression0.000923 Akaike info criterion−11.04576
Sum squared resid7.16E-05 Schwarz criterion−10.80067
Log likelihood522.6277F-statistic20.12818
Durbin-Watson stat2.261533 Prob (F-statistic)0.000000

*Numbers in parentheses indicate the lag of the respective variable used in model estimation. All indicators (individually and jointly) included in the model are significant at the 1% confidence level.