Research Article

ISD: A New Methodological Approach for Measuring the Sustainability of the German Energy System

Table 3

Sustainability indicators of the German government: intergenerational equity.


(I) Intergenerational equity

(1) Energy and raw materials productivity
  (1994 = 100)
 Raw materials117158200
(2) Emissions of the six greenhouse gases  covered by the Kyoto Protocol (1990 = 100)81.1379
(3) Proportion of energy consumption from
  renewable energy
 in % primary energy consumption2.14.2
 in % electricity consumption6.312.550
(4) Land use for housing and transport: increase
 in ha per day
(5) Development of stocks of selected animal
 species (1995 = 100)
(6) Public finance deficit: in % of GDP1.61.30.50
(7) Provision for future economic stability: gross
  capital formation in relation to GDP
(8) Innovation: private and public expenditure on
  research and development
(9) Education and training
 25-year olds having completed education69.5
 Those leaving secondary school without  qualifications94
  University entrance rate30.240

Source: [14]IEK-STE 2011