Research Article

Specialization-Specific Course Assessments Integrated for Program Assessment

Algorithm 1

A sample visual basic code for outcome “J” button.
Sub Button“j”_Click()
‘ reading first file
 Dim xl As New Excel.Application
 Dim xlw As Excel.Workbook
  ‘ Open the excel file.
 Set xlw = xl.Workbooks.Open(“C:UsersELEC462.xlsx”)
 xlw.Sheets (“ELEC462"). Select
  ‘ Get the value from cell(2,3) of the sheet.
  ‘ MsgBox xlw.Application.Cells(3, 2).Value
 Range (“C6”).Value = xlw.Application.Cells(19, 9).Value
 Range (“D6”).Value = xlw.Application.Cells(20, 9).Value
 Range (“E6”).Value = xlw.Application.Cells(21, 9).Value
 Range (“F6”).Value = xlw.Application.Cells(25, 7).Value
  ‘ Close worksheet without save changes.
  ‘ If you want to save changes, replace the False below with True
 xlw.Close False
  ‘ free memory
 Set xlw = Nothing
 Set xl = Nothing
‘reading 2nd file
 Dim xl2 As New Excel.Application
 Dim xlw2 As Excel.Workbook
  ‘ Open the excel file.
 Set xlw2 = xl.Workbooks.Ope ("C:UsersELEC562.xlsx")
  ‘ Get the value from cell(2,3) of the sheet.
  ‘ MsgBox xlw.Application.Cells(3, 2).Value
 Range(“C7”).Value = xlw2.Application.Cells(19, 9).Value
 Range(“D7”).Value = xlw2.Application.Cells(20, 9).Value
 Range(“E7”).Value = xlw2.Application.Cells(21, 9).Value
 Range(“F7”).Value = xlw2.Application.Cells(25, 7).Value
  ‘ Close worksheet without save changes.
  ‘ If you want to save changes, replace the False below with True
 xlw2.Close False
  ‘ free memory
 Set xlw2 = Nothing
 Set xl2 = Nothing
End Sub