Review Article

Pediatric Stroke: A Review

Table 3

Protocol for using LMWH in children.

PreparationInitial treatment doseInitial prophylactic dose

Reviparin, body weight-dependent dose, units/kg per 12 h
<5 kg15050
>5 kg10030

Enoxaparin, age-dependent dose, mg/kg per 12 h
<2 months old1.50.75
>2 months old1.00.5
Dalteparin, all-age pediatric dose, units/kg per 24 h129 ± 4395 ± 52

Tinzaparin, age-dependent dose, units/kg
0 to 2 months old275
2 to 12 months old250
1 to 5 years old240
5 to 10 years old200
10 to 16 years old275

Adapted from Roach et al. [88].