Research Article

Perception and Attitude of Emergency Room Resident Physicians toward Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak

Table 3

Percentages of responses to perceived impact on personal life, workload, and preparedness for a Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus outbreak by emergency room resident physicians.

Perceived impactDisagree 

I would be afraid of telling my family about the risk I am exposed to ()242848
People would avoid me because of my job ()562024
There would be inadequate staff in my workplace to handle the increased demand ()253342
I would feel more stressed at work ()382042
I would have an increase in workload ()322741
I have attended infection control training sessions ()34957
In our hospital, we have enough infection control staff ()153055
Our hospital has a clear plan to handle a MERS outbreak ()112564
Received adequate personal protective equipment training ()151768
I am personally prepared for MERS ()192655

MERS: Middle East respiratory syndrome.