Research Article

Predictive Factors and Clinical Prediction Score for Serious Intracranial Causes in Acute Nontraumatic Headache at an Emergency Department

Table 2

Comparison of red flag signs and investigations.

Nonserious intracranial headache (366 patients)Serious intracranial headache (88 patients) value

Red flag signs
Age >50 years231 (63.1)48 (54.5)0.174
Abrupt onset58 (15.8)33 (37.5)<0.001
Positional provocation5 (1.4)4 (4.5)0.076
Systemic symptoms26 (7.1)22 (25)<0.001
Secondary risk factors26 (7.1)21 (23.9)<0.001
Neurological deficit13 (3.6)29 (33)<0.001

Performed CT brain70 (19.1)88 (100)<0.001

CT brain results
Subarachnoid hemorrhage0 (0)12 (13.6)<0.001
Intracerebral hemorrhage0 (0)15 (17.0)<0.001
Infarction0 (0)6 (6.8)<0.001
Tumor with/without complications0 (0)21 (23.9)<0.001
Venous sinus thrombosis0 (0)4 (4.5)0.001
Hydrocephalus0 (0)1 (1.1)0.194
Brain abscess0 (0)1 (1.1)0.194
Within normal limits70 (19.1)28 (31.8)0.014
Performed CTA0 (0)16 (18.2)<0.001

CTA results
AVM0 (0)6 (6.8)<0.001
Aneurysm0 (0)7 (8)<0.001
Within normal limits0 (0)3 (3.4)0.007
Performed MRI0 (0)23 (26.1)<0.001

MRI results
Leptomeningeal enhancement0 (0)1 (1.1)0.194
Focal meningoencephalitis0 (0)1 (1.1)0.194
Brain tumor/metastasis0 (0)17 (19.3)<0.001
Cerebral infarction0 (0)2 (2.3)0.037
Venous sinus thrombosis0 (0)1 (1.1)0.194
AVM0 (0)1 (1.1)0.194
Performed lumbar puncture5 (1.4)26 (29.5)<0.001

CSF findings
Bacterial meningitis0 (0)2 (2.3)0.037
Viral meningitis0 (0)12 (13.6)<0.001
Fungal meningitis0 (0)6 (6.8)<0.001
Eosinophilic meningitis0 (0)1 (1.1)0.194
Blood0 (0)1 (1.1)0.194
Normal profile5 (1.4)4 (4.5)0.076

Beta Streptococcus group B01
Pseudomonas aeruginosa01
Cryptococcus neoformans05
Human herpes virus02

Data are presented as n (%) unless indicated otherwise. values <0.05 are statistically significant. CT = computed tomography; CTA = computed tomographic angiography; AVM = arteriovenous malformation; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging.