Research Article

Evaluating Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease by Ultrasound

Table 1

Demographic characteristics and significance levels in control group and COPD patients according to their stages.

Control group (n = 40)GOLD A (n = 6)GOLD B (n = 6)GOLD C (n = 15)GOLD D (n = 34) value

Male, n (%)34 (85.0)1 (16.7)3 (50.0)13 (86.7)32 (94.1)<0.001
Age, median (IQR)67.5 (10.0)58.0 (7.0)78.5 (15.0)65.0 (16.0)71.0 (13.0)<0.001
Number of exacerbations in the previous year, median (IQR)0.50 (1.0)1.0 (1.0)1.0 (0.0)2.0 (1.0)<0.001
Smoking, n (%)23 (57.5)6 (100.0)6 (100.0)15 (100.0)31 (91.2)0.836
BMI, median (IQR)27.1 (3.8)28.2 (5.1)25.9 (6.5)26.5 (7.5)24.5 (4.0)0.095
CHD, n (%)1 (2.5)0 (0.0)3 (50.0)2 (13.3)11 (32.4)0.115
CHF, n (%)1 (2.5)3 (50.0)1 (16.7)2 (13.3)4 (11.8)0.115
DM, n (%)5 (12.5)0 (0.0)1 (16.7)6 (40.0)9 (26.5)0.279
HT, n (%)10 (25.0)6 (100.0)1 (16.7)10 (66.7)20 (58.8)0.033

Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation for normally distributed data and percentage for categorical variables. COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GOLD: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; IQR: interquartile range; BMI: body mass index; CHD: coronary heart disease; CHF: congestive heart failure; DM: diabetes mellitus; HT: hypertension.