Research Article

The Involvement of Glutamate Metabolism in the Resistance to Thermal, Nutritional, and Oxidative Stress in Trypanosoma cruzi

Figure 6

The combined effect of starvation, oxidative stress, and analogues treatments on epimastigotes. Parasites previously incubated in PBS (PBS), 3 mM L-proline in PBS (PRO), or 3 mM glucose in PBS (GLC), and subjected either to oxidative stress for 3 h by addition of 80 μM H2O2 or to water, were treated with or without (control) 20 mM MS (a), 60 mM MSE (b), or 50 mM MSO (c). After washing, the parasites were incubated for 3 h in PBS and stressed by the addition of 80 μM H2O2. The cell viability was evaluated by MTT assay.