Clinical Study

Genetic Polymorphisms of Alcohol Dehydrogenase and Aldehyde Dehydrogenase: Alcohol Use and Type 2 Diabetes in Japanese Men

Table 1

Characteristics of the study subjects by glucose tolerance status.

CharacteristicsNormal glucose tolerancePrediabetic condition*Type 2 diabetesP-value
(n = 1520)(n = 553)(n = 235)

Age, mean (SD)52.4 (0.9)52.4 (0.9)52.4 (0.9).91
BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD)23.5 (2.4)24.5 (2.7)24.4 (3.0) .0001
Cigarette-years, median (IQR)450 (0–660)440 (0–660)460 (100–680).44

Alcohol use, N (%).004
Never238 (15.6)60 (10.8)21 (9.0)
Former42 (2.8)11 (2.0)9 (3.8)
Current1240 (81.6)482 (87.2)205 (87.2)
Alcohol (ml/day), median (IQR)43 (24–68)47 (26–71)43 (23–68).15
Coffee (cups/day), median (IQR)2 (0–4)1 (0–3)2 (0–3).0001
MET-hours/week, median (IQR)14 (4–25)12 (4–24)16 (4–28).10
Parental diabetes mellitus, N (%)108 (7.1)47 (8.5)41 (17.5) .0001

ADH1B genotype, N (%)§.99
His/His851 (56.5)310 (56.5)131 (56.5)
His/Arg558 (37.1)204 (37.1)88 (37.9)
Arg/Arg97 (6.4)35 (6.4)13 (5.6)

ALDH2 genotype, N (%) .0001
Glu/Glu871 (57.4)368 (66.7)172 (73.2)
Glu/Lys553 (36.5)161 (29.1)61 (26.0)
Lys/Lys92 (6.1)23 (4.2)2 (0.8)

BMI: body mass index; IQR: interquartile range; SD: standard deviation.
Impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance were combined.
Based on chi-squared test for proportion, analysis of variance for means, and Kruskal-Wallis test for medians.
Among current alcohol drinkers.
Genotype was not determined for 21 men.
Genotype was not determined for 5 men.