Research Article

Can We Make Time for Physical Activity? Simulating Effects of Daily Physical Activity on Mortality

Table 2

Sources of variability identified by a sequence of scenario modifications.

Source identifiedReference scenarioScenario modification

ReferenceReallocate time from watching TV to walking
Independence*Watching TV ≥ walkingRespondents from bootstrap sample b, while regressions from [(b + 1) mod 40]
Sampling variability*IndependenceRespondents drawn using full sample weights
Regression variance*IndependenceRegressions estimated using full sample weights
Combined bootstrap varianceIndependenceCombines the two previous scenarios
Mortality RR varianceCombined bootstrapSet relative risk variance to 0.0
Randomized agesCombined bootstrapNo perturbation of reported ages
Combined randomizationCombined bootstrapCombines the two previous scenarios
Heterogeneous activity profilesCombined randomizationSet all reported activity profiles equal to the mean profile

*Required mean bootstrap variance correction.