Research Article

Authentication of Algorithm to Detect Metastases in Men with Prostate Cancer Using ICD-9 Codes

Table 2

Cases where metastases were missed by ICD-9 algorithms but confirmed on chart review.
(a) Cases where metastases were missed by algorithm A (ICD-9 198.5 or 198.3 or 197.0 or 197.7) but confirmed on chart review


40Prostascint scan shows equivocal bone metastases; differential includes metastasis versus meningioma. Not biopsied.
207Bone scan and MRI show bone metastases.
294Bone scan and CT scan show bone metastases.

(b) Cases where metastases were missed by algorithm B (ICD-9 198.5) but confirmed on chart review


40Prostascint scan shows equivocal bone metastases; differential includes metastasis versus meningioma. Not biopsied.
207Bone scan and MRI show bone metastases.
294Bone scan and CT scan show bone metastases.
3MRI shows liver metastases.
50MRI shows bone, brain, and lung metastases.
164CT scan shows metastases to lung pleura.