Clinical Study

What Do Changes in Brain Perfusion Induced by Etomidate Suggest about Epilepsy in Human Patients?

Table 1

Clinical features of patients.

PatientSexAge (years)History (years)Basal SPECTSeizure typeMRiv- Surgery/Engel’s grade

1F3818Left mes temporalPartial complexNormalLeft- Mesial TemporalL AMTR/ I
2F3934Bi-T (L > R)Partial complexRight MSRight mesialR AMTR/ I
3F3533Left mes temporalPartial complexLeft MSLeft mesialL AMTR/ I
4M259Left mes temporalPartial simple & complexLeft parasellar cystLeft mesialL AMTR/ I
5F225Left temporal Left F-PSecondary GeneralizedNormalLeft mesialL AMTR/ I
6M3837Bi-T mes (Left > Right)Partial complexLeft MSLeft mesialL AMTR/ I
7M215Right mes temporalPartial complexNormalRight mesialR AMTR/ I
8M3011Right mesPartial complexLeft MSBi-T (Left > Right)#L AMTR/ IV
9M3613Left mes temporalPartial complexNormalLeft mesialL AMTR/ II
10F3426Left Mesial temporalPartial complexNormalLeft mesialNo surgery
11M2311Left Mesial temporalPartial complexNormalLeft mesialL AMTR/ I

AMTR: anterior medial temporal resection; Bi-T, Bi-temporal; F: female; F-P: fronto-parietal; L: left; M: male; mes: mesial; MS: mesial sclerosis; R: right. Engel’s grade [19] at least one year after surgery. #This patient showed two seizures from left mesial temporal lobe and one seizure from right mesial temporal lobe. The operation was palliative.