Research Article

The Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Psychosocial Care in Adolescents with Epilepsy

Table 2

Child report of psychosocial care subscale 1 (patient received explanation from doctor or nurse).

Psychosocial care subscale 1 Less than
I wanted
as much
as I wanted
More than
I wanted

The doctors and nurses told me what to do if I felt an attack coming on.53 (71.6%)16 (21.6%)5 (6.8%)
The doctors and nurses talked to me about my fears and worries about my seizure condition.51 (68.9%)20 (27%)3 (4.1%)
The doctors and nurses told me about possible problems or side effects with the medicine.49 (67.1%)21 (28.8%)3 (4.1%)
I have had a chance to ask questions about my seizure condition.46 (62.2%)24 (32.4%)4 (5.4%)
The doctors and nurses explained my seizure condition to me.45 (60.8%)23 (31.1%)6 (8.1%)
The doctors and nurses told me things I can and can not do because of seizures.39 (54.2%)24 (33.3%)9 (12.5%)
The doctors and nurses told me how the medicine worked.36 (48.6%)31 (41.9%)7 (9.5%)