Clinical Study

A Prospective Comparison of EUS-Guided FNA Using 25-Gauge and 22-Gauge Needles

Table 1

Scoring of visibility of needle, ease of puncture, and quantity of specimen obtained.

Visibility of needle0: poorNeedle tip is absolutely invisible.
1: goodThe needle tip is visible, although invisible intermittently during the procedure.
2: excellentThe needle tip is visible throughout the procedure.

Ease of puncture0: poorImpossible to puncture.
1: goodThe needle bends during the procedure, or the target lesion is pushed away from the transducer of the echoendoscope at the time of puncture.
2: excellentThe puncture is done effortlessly and the needle never bends during procedure.

Quantity of the specimen obtained0: poorNo specimen
1: goodAlthough a small specimen is obtained, definitive diagnosis is difficult.
2: excellentAdequate for definitive diagnosis.