Clinical Study

Surveillance of HCC Patients after Liver RFA: Role of MRI with Hepatospecific Contrast versus Three-Phase CT Scan—Experience of High Volume Oncologic Institute

Figure 2

69-year-old woman treated with RFA for HCC. (a) Axial Haste T2-W, at 1-month followup; treated necrotic nodule, heterogeneously isointense to hypointense. A dilatation of an intrahepatic biliary branch, as a complication of RFA, is recognizable. (b) Axial Vibe T1-w FS, at 1 month followup: treated necrotic nodule, heterogeneously isointense to hyperintense, with peripheral hypointense rim. (c) At 1-month followup arterial-phase scan MR image showing no contrast enhancement. (d) At 1-month followup postprocessing subtract image (arterial phase and no contrast phase) showing no contrast enhancement.