Review Article

Cryptogenic Multifocal Ulcerous Stenosing Enteritis: A Review of the Literature

Table 1

Diagnostic criteria of CMUSE/CNSU.

(1) Persistent and occult blood loss from the GI tract except during bowel rest or postoperative period.
(2) Confirmation of characteristic small intestinal lesions by macroscopy, radiography, or enteroscopy.
 (2.1) Circular or oblique in alignment.
 (2.2) Sharply demarcated from surrounding normal mucosa.
 (2.3) Geographic or linear in shape.
 (2.4) Multiplicity in number with <4 cm distance from each other.
 (2.5) Ulcers not reaching proper muscular layer.
 (2.6) Scarred ulcers presumed to be the healing stage of those characterised by (2.1)–(2.5)* in cases treated by bowel rest.

Adopted from Matsumoto et al. [2].
*Depicted as symmetric and eccentric rigidity under small-bowel radiography, and concentric or non-concentric stricture under enteroscopy.