Clinical Study

Clinical Outcomes of Colonic Stent in a Tertiary Care Center

Table 2

Procedural specifications.

VariablesNumber (%)

 A11 (68.8%)
 B2 (12.5%)
 C3 (18.7%)
Goals of procedure
 Palliative12 (75%)
 Bridge to surgery 4 (25%)
Number of stents in one procedure
 One15 (93.8%)
 Two1 (6.2%)
Size of stent
 mm5 (31.2%)
 mm11 (68.7%)
 mm1 (6.2%)
Procedure time in minutesa (±SD)47 (±19)
 Fentanyl + midazolam10 (62.5%)
 Meperidine + midazolam + promethazine1 (6.2%)
 Midazolam1 (6.2%)
 MAC3 (18.7%)
 Midazolam + meperidine1 (6.2%)
ASA class
 II8 (50%)
 III7 (43.8%)
 IV1 (6.2%)

Defined by time between the first administration of sedation and the last recording of vital signs.