Clinical Study

Safety of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery in a Low-Volume Setting: Review of Early and Late Outcome

Table 4

Summary of morbidity and mortality rates following 75 laparoscopic large bowel or rectal resections.

Elective (%)66 ( )
 Mean age (years) (range)63 (24–89)
 Male/female ratio34/32
 30-day mortality (%)0 (0)
 30-day morbidity (%)4 ( )
  Superficial wound infection2
  Prolonged ileus1
  Postoperative atrial fibrillation1
Emergency (%)9 ( )
 Mean age (years) (range)76 (47–90)
 Male/female ratio4/5
 30-day mortality (%)2 (22.2)
 30-day morbidity (%)3 (33.3)
  Superficial wound infection1
  Pleural effusion1
  Urinary retention1
Delayed (>30 days) morbidity (%)2 (2.7)
 Pulmonary embolism1
 Clinical rectovaginal fistula1