Review Article

The Utilization of Imaging Features in the Management of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms

Figure 1

CT postcontrast examination in a patient who was suffering from jaundice and abdominal pain: axial images after contrast administration (a) and curved-MPR images (b). White arrows in (a) and (b) show a marked dilatation of the entire main pancreatic duct, from the head to the tail of the gland, associated with subtotal parenchymal atrophy. No dilatation of secondary branches was observed, and radiological diagnosis of MD-IPMN was formulated. The high degree of main pancreatic duct dilatation (>1 cm) was considered as high-risk stigmata and required surgical treatment. In addition, white arrows show mild wall enhancement. Final diagnosis of invasive cancer (adenocarcinoma) in IPMN was reported.