Research Article

Formulation for Effective Screening and Management of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: Noninvasive NAFLD Management Strategy

Figure 4

Characteristics of VTTQ in time and space during the course of NAFLD. (a) A plot of sequential measurements of VTTQ (median) in m/sec (left) or percentage to the first measurement (right). Cases with VTTQ getting smaller (circle), larger (cross), or stable (triangle). The lines of the right column reveal the best hit for each group (continuous for cross, dotted for circle, and grey for triangle). (b) The correlation between the alteration rates of VTTQ (dVTTQ) and serum albumin concentration (dALB) per year (continuous line, best hit; dotted line, 95% confidence). ((c) and (d)) VTTQ values of the first (1) and second (2) measurements at each segment: lateral (LtLat), medial (LtMed), posterior (RtPost), and anterior (RtAnt), in the cases with VTTQ of the entire liver getting smaller (c) or larger (d) in a follow-up period.