Clinical Study

Cytoreductive Surgery plus Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Management of Peritoneal Sarcomatosis: A Preliminary Single-Center Experience from Saudi Arabia

Table 1

Preoperative details of patients.

Variable (%)

Median age ± SD (range) 46 ± 10.9 (19–57)
Median ECOG performance status score ± SD (range)1 ± 0.6 (0–2)
 Male9 (81.8%)
 Female2 (18.2%)
PS presentation
 Primary (first disease)4 (36.4)
 Secondary (recurrent disease)7 (63.6)
Site of origin
 Abdominal/pelvic9 (81.8)
 Extra-abdominal/pelvic2 (18.2)
  Both cases were liposarcomas from lower limb, specifically thigh and calf muscles
Histology (pathology)
 Retroperitoneal liposarcomas7 (63.6)
 Retroperitoneal non-liposarcomas4 (36.4)
  Leiomyosarcoma1 (9.1)
  Ewing’s Sarcoma1 (9.1)
  GIST (fundus and body origins)2 (18.2)
Previous treatment
 Surgery7 (63.6)
 Radiotherapy2 (18.2)
 Chemotherapy4 (36.4)
 Asymptomatic1 (9.1)
 Flank pain2 (18.2)
 Abdominal pain8 (72.7)
 Increased abdominal circumference2 (18.2)
 Early satiety, nausea, and vomiting2 (18.2)
 Weight loss3 (27.3)

SD: standard deviation; PS: peritoneal sarcomatosis; ECOG: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; GIST: gastrointestinal stromal tumor.