Research Article

A Comparison of a Fully Covered and an Uncovered Segmented Biodegradable Esophageal Stent in a Porcine Model: Preclinical Evaluation of Degradation, Complications, and Tissue Reactions

Table 1

Grading system for degree of esophageal tissue reaction: TRS.

GradeCriteria and definitions

0Normal tissue without inflammation
1Confined inflammation; hyperplastic tissues at proximal, distal part or meshes with nodes not exceeding stent interior plane
2Hyperplastic tissue ingrowth protruding from the stent interior plane with a single nodule not larger than 5 mm in diameter
3Hyperplastic tissue ingrowth protruding from the stent interior plane with a nodule not larger than 10 mm in diameter
4Diffuse inflammation; hyperplastic tissue ingrowth protruding from the stent interior plane with a node larger than 10 mm in diameter
5Esophageal lumen blockage caused by tissue ingrowth or overgrowth