Research Article

Clinical Applicability of Whole-Exome Sequencing Exemplified by a Study in Young Adults with the Advanced Cryptogenic Cholestatic Liver Diseases

Table 1

Symptoms, laboratory data, and histopathology at presentation in six young patients with cryptogenic chronic cholestatic liver injury. ALP: alkaline phosphatase; TBA: total bile acids; γ-GT: gamma glutamyl transpeptidase; N: normal; LFT: liver function tests; N/A: not available; BRIC 2: benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis; sdPSC: small duct primary sclerosing cholangitis.

PatientSex/ageSymptomsSerum chemistry (x ULN)Histology

1F/20Fatigue, weight loss4N65.6N6.5Extended fibrosis, with bridging
fibrous septa, scarce inflammatory
activity, focal ductular reaction.

2M/17Hepatomegaly, abnormal LFT,
Crohn’s disease; portal hypertension
1.4N2.74.2NN/AChronic mild hepatitis with
minimal ductular reaction,
porto-portal fibrosis, possible cirrhosis.
No sdPSC features.

3M/17Hepatosplenomegaly, no symptoms1. cirrhosis, mild chronic

4F/22Hepatosplenomegaly, no symptoms2N2.54.5N4Chronic mild hepatitis, bridging
fibrosis; minimal ductular reaction.

5M/19Hepatosplenomegaly, no symptoms2.8N1.47.1N6.6Liver cirrhosis, mild inflammation,
ductular reaction.

6F/22Jaundice, pruritus1.5N1.3N3N/AExtra- and intracellular
bilirubinostasis. Minimal
inflammatory activity, BRIC 2.