Research Article

Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated with Endoscopic Severity in Patients with Crohn’s Disease

Table 3

Clinical characteristics of patient group.

Characteristics (%)

Years diagnosed [median (quartiles)]2 (1–5)
Montreal classification [ (%)]
Age at diagnosis
 A1 (<17 years)9 (6.8)
 A2 (17–40 years)99 (75.6)
 A3 (≥40 years)23 (17.6)
Disease location [ (%)]
 L2 (colonic)8 (6.1)
 L3 (ileocolonic)123 (93.9)
Disease behavior [ (%)]
 B1 (nonstricturing, nonpenetrating)97 (74)
 B2 (stricturing)24 (18.3)
 B3 (penetrating)4 (3.1)
 B2 + B3(stricturing and penetrating)6 (4.6)
Disease activity
 CDAI score [mean (SD)]241 (84)
 CRP, mg/L [median (quartiles)]16.6 (6.4–37.1)
 Albumin, g/L [mean (SD)]34.8 (6.2)
 SES-CD [median (quartiles)]11 (6–17)
Serum 25OHD [nmol/L, median (quartiles)]21.1 (11.8–32.3)

SES-CD: the simple endoscopic score for Crohn’s disease, CDAI: Crohn’s disease activity index, and CRP: C-reactive protein.