Clinical Study

Feasibility of Short-Period, High-Dose Intravenous Methylprednisolone for Preventing Stricture after Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Esophageal Cancer: A Preliminary Study

Table 5

Comparison between nonstricture and stricture cases.

Nonstricture (7 lesions in 5 patients)Stricture (6 lesions in 6 patients) value

Age, mean (±SD), y70.2 (±9.3)70.2 (±7.5)0.99
Tumor location0.45
Macroscopic type0.15
Depth of tumor invasion0.36
Mucosal defect circumference0.24
Longitudinal resected specimen size, mean (±SD), mm64.2 (±26.2)54.2 (±12.8)0.43

Ut: upper thoracic esophagus; Mt: middle thoracic esophagus; Lt: lower thoracic esophagus; EP: epithelium; LPM: lamina propria mucosa; MM: muscularis mucosa; SM 1: slight submucosal invasion (less than 200 μm from MM); SM 2: deep submucosal invasion (greater than 200 μm from MM).