Review Article

“Incidentaloma” of the Liver: Management of a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemma

Figure 1

Two hemangiomas in gadolinium enhanced MRI (contrast medium: gadoxetic acid; disodium salt (Primovist, Eurokontrast GmbH, Heidelberg), scanner: GE Signa HDxt 1,5T (General Electric Company, USA)): peripheral nodular enhancement in T1 FS early arterial contrast phase (upper left): (T1 LAVA FS dynamic FA80, TR 185 TE 4,2), progressive centripetal enhancement in T1 FS late arterial (upper right): (T1 LAVA FS dynamic FA80, TR 185 TE 4,2) and portal-venous phase (lower left): (T1 LAVA FS dynamic FA80, TR 185 TE 4,2). Typical ill-shaped intermediate (less than in cysts) hyperintensity in T2 (lower right): (T2 FRFSE FS FA 90 TR 2500 TE 94,16). Lesion in left lobe is partially clotted with thrombosis and shows less enhancement.