Research Article

Metabolomic Analysis of Liver Tissue from the VX2 Rabbit Model of Secondary Liver Tumors

Figure 4

t-test volcano plots. (a) Overall treatment effect. (b) Site effect, conditioning on the Treated Group. The volcano plot is a scatter plot of all metabolite species arranged by an individual measure of magnitude of change of expression between experimental groups (horizontal axis) versus a corresponding measure of statistical significance (vertical axis). The horizontal axis represents the estimated log-fold-change of differential expression, denoted log2(FC) or M. The vertical axis represents the log-odds of differential expression, denoted log2(Odds) or B. The most significant metabolites are those that have the largest M in absolute value and the largest B. Metabolites (dots) whose relative concentrations are significantly downregulated (green) and upregulated (red) between experimental conditions are distributed in the upper left-hand side and upper right-hand side directions of the plot, respectively. The nonregulated metabolites are shown with grey dots. The horizontal dotted line represents a null log-odds of differential expression. FDR was controlled at 10%.