Research Article

Imiquimod 3.75% Cream Applied Daily to Treat Anogenital Warts: Combined Results from Women in Two Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Studies

Table 3

Summary of safety by treatment group, evaluation period, all women.

WomenPlaceboImiquimod 2.5%Imiquimod 3.75%

Adverse events (AEs)b, (%)
 Any AEc39 (36.8)88 (41.7)85 (39.2)
 Any serious1 (0.9)2 (0.9)5 (2.3)
 Any resulting in study discontinuation1 (0.9)3 (1.4)5 (2.3)
 Any severe grade4 (3.8)15 (7.1)11 (5.1)
 Any treatment-related AEd4 (3.8)41 (19.4)42 (19.4)
 Any resulting in study discontinuation0 (0)3 (1.4)3 (1.4)
Application site reactions (ASRs), (%)
 Any ASRc4 (3.8)39 (18.5)38 (17.5)
 Any severe1 (0.9)9 (4.3)6 (2.8)

Treatment-related AEs in >1% women for imiquimod 3.75% that were more frequent than in placebo, (%)b,d
 Application site pain0 (0)11 (5.2)17 (7.8)
 Application site irritation1 (0.9)11 (5.2)12 (5.5)
 Application site pruritus2 (1.9)14 (6.6)7 (3.2)
 Application site bleeding1 (0.9)1 (0.5)3 (1.4)
 Application site discharge0 (0)1 (0.5)3 (1.4)
 Application site erythema0 (0)3 (1.4)3 (1.4)
Rest periods
 At least 1 rest period, (%)3 (2.8)70 (33.2)77 (35.5)
 Dosing days missed due to rest, mean days (standard deviation)e6.7 (4.7)9.1 (7.2)8.9 (7.2)

aOne woman assigned to imiquimod 2.5% received 3.75%. Displayed here based on treatment received.
bAdverse events reported from start of treatment to 30 days after study.
cBy preferred terms, regardless of causality assessment.
dInvestigator assessed causality of related or probably related.
eFor those women who took a rest.