Clinical Study

Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance: Bethesda Classification and Association with Human Papillomavirus

Table 4

Results of the biopsies performed on the total group of patients with an initial diagnosis of ASCUS who, after review, were reclassified as having cytologies that were normal/inflammatory, ASC-US, and ASC-H, which showed changes in the colposcopic examination.

BiopsyNormal/inflammatory (%)ASCUS
ASC-US (%)ASC-H (%)

Normal6 (20.0)13 (21.0)3 (37.5)
HPV/CIN I2 (6.6)8 (13.0)0
CIN II/III01 (1.6)5 (62.5)*
Not performed22 (73.3)40 (64.5)0

Total cases by group30628

* and , relative to ASC-US group, versus ASC-H group with normal/inflammatory cytology and cases of CIN II/III in biopsies of patients with ASC-H, respectively, Fisher’s exact test.