Research Article

The Cost of Medicaid Savings: The Potential Detrimental Public Health Impact of Neonatal Circumcision Defunding

Table 5

Projected additional female cases of HIV and additional direct medical costsa.


Baseline prevention fraction (46%)b
Additional HIV cases355747
Additional cost discounted to time of infectionc$13,113,500$1,839,700$2,758,200$17,711,400
Additional cost discounted to birthd$5,316,900$777,200$1,197,900$7,292,000

Highest prevention fraction (69%)b
Additional HIV cases901012112
Additional cost discounted to time of infectionc$34,095,100$3,942,200$4,597,000$42,634,300
Additional cost discounted to birthd$13,824,000$1,665,400$1,996,500$17,485,900

Lowest prevention fraction (4%)b
Additional HIV cases2.3.52.8
Additional cost discounted to time of infectionc$786,800$105,100$183,900$1,075,800
Additional cost discounted to birthd$319,000$44,400$79,900$443,300

aPer South Carolina Medicaid birth year cohort.
bPrevention fraction (1-relative risk) of male circumcision for reducing HIV transmission through heterosexual contact.
cUsing Schackman et al.ā€™s discounted lifetime HIV treatment cost (discounted to time of infection) of $303,100 (in $US2004) inflated to $US2010 for a lifetime treatment cost of $377,360.
dTo allow for direct comparison to circumcision savings in the cohort birth year.