Research Article

Epidemiologic Features of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis among Reproductive-Age Women in India

Table 2

Prevalence of observed clinical signs, reported symptoms, and diagnosis (positive predictive value) of vulvovaginal candidiasis, Mysore, India 2005-2006.

Vaginal sign observed or symptom reportedPrevalence ( clinical visits)% prevalence  
(95% CI)**
Diagnosed with vulvovaginal candidiasis% diagnosed with vulvovaginal candidiasis (95% CI)**

Pruritis reported73529.0 (26.8, 31.2)13217.8 (14.8, 20.8)
Discharge reported78231.0 (29.0, 32.9)12215.3 (12.5, 18.1)
Erythema observed2399.5 (8.2, 10.8)6124.8 (18.7, 30.8)
Discharge observed89435.4 (33.4, 37.5)16217.6 (14.9, 20.3)
None88735.1 (33.0, 37.2)
Any one91636.2 (34.3, 38.1)
Any two49219.5 (17.8, 21.1)8416.7 (13.3, 20.1)
Any three1827.2 (6.1, 8.3)7540.1 (33.7, 47.9)
All four512.0 (1.4, 2.6)2140.9 (27.6, 54.2)

**Percentages and 95% confidence intervals calculated using generalized estimating equations, with binary family, identity link, and exchangeable correlation.