Research Article

The Effect of Cotrimoxazole Prophylactic Treatment on Malaria, Birth Outcomes, and Postpartum CD4 Count in HIV-Infected Women

Table 2

Frequency of outcomes of interest and effect estimates in CPT-exposed and CPT-unexposed pregnant women.

OutcomeCPT-unexposed women*CPT-exposed women*TotalEffect estimate (95% CI)

Malaria during pregnancy7.2%
HR: 0.35
(0.20, 0.60)
Low birth weight7.1%
OR: 1.08
(0.70, 1.69)
Preterm birth23.5%
RR: 1.00
(0.75, 1.34)

Totals for each outcome differ based on available data.
*Women were considered CPT-unexposed if they gave birth before June 13, 2006; women were considered CPT-exposed if they had their second prenatal visit after August 15, 2006.
Effect estimates are unadjusted as no confounders or effect measure modifiers met criteria for inclusion in final models.
Data were missing for 7 infants.